The national anthem is called Indonesia Raya, which means Strong Indonesia. The song was composed in 1928. The policy of the colonial power at the time when the national anthem was written was to divide and rule. This was a policy which deliberately aimed to create the greatest possible distance between the country’s inhabitants by means of language, ethnicity, culture and religion.
When Indonesia Raya was performed for the first time, it marked the beginning of the Indonesian nationalist movements. Its composer Wage Rudolf Supratman first introduced the song at the Second All-Indonesia Youth Congress, held on 28 October 1928 in Batavia (now Jakarta). It was here that Indonesian youth of different ethnicities, languages, religious and cultural backgrounds decided to commit themselves to:
Et fødeland, Indonesia
En nasjon, den indonesiske nasjon
Et forenende språk, det indonesiske språk
Soon the national anthem that called for unity in Indonesia became very popular. It resonated at Indonesian political demonstrations, where people stood with solemn and respectful attention when it was sung. The song awakened the population of the entire archipelago to national consciousness.
Original Indonesian text
Indonesia tanah airku,
Tanah tumpah darahku.
Disanalah aku berdiri
Jadi pandu ibuku.
Indonesia kebangsaanku,
Bangsa dan Tanah Airku.
Marilah kita berseru
“Indonesia bersatu.”
Hiduplah tanahku,
Hiduplah negriku,
Bangsaku, Rakyatku, se’mwanya.
Bangunlah jiwanya,
Bangunlah badannya
Untuk Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia! Tanah yang mulia,
Tanah kita yang kaya.
isanalah aku berada
Untuk slamalamanya.
Indonesia, Tanah pusaka,
Psaka Kita semuanya.
Marilah kita mendoa,
“Indonesia bahagia!”
Suburlah Tanahnja,
Suburlah jiwanja,
Bansanya, Rakyatnya semuanja.
Sadarlah hatinja,
Sadarlah budinja
Untuk Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia! Tanah yang sutyi,
Tanah kita yang sakti.
Disanalah aku berdiri
Ndyaga ibu sedyati.
Indonesia! Tanah berseri,
Tanah yung aku sayangi.
Marilah kita berjanji:
“Indonesia abadi!”
Slamatlah Rakyatnja,
Slamatlah putranja,
Pulaunya, lautnya semuanja.
Majulah Begrinja,
Majulah Pandunja
Untuk Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Tanahku, negriku jang kutjinta.
Indonesia Raja, Merdeka, Merdeka
Hiduplah Indonesia Raja.
Translation into English
Indonesia, our native country,
Our birthplace,
Where we all arise to stand guard
Over this our Motherland:
Indonesia our nationality,
Our people and our country.
Come then, let us all exclaim
Indonesia united.
Long live our land,
Long live our state,
Our nation, our people, and all
Arise then, its spirit,
Arise, its bodies
For Great Indonesia.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia, an eminent country,
Our wealthy country,
There we shall be forever.
Indonesia, the country of our ancestors,
A relic of all of us.
Let us pray
For Indonesia’s prosperity:
May her soil be fertile
And spirited her soul,
The nation and all the people.
Conscious be her heart
And her mind
For Indonesia the Great.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!
Indonesia, a sacred country,
Our victorious country:
There we stand
Guarding our true Mother.
Indonesia, a beaming Country,
A country we love with all our heart,
Let’s make a vow
That Indonesia be there forever.
Blessed be her people
And her sons,
All her islands, and her seas.
Fast be the country’s progress
And the progress of her youth
For Indonesia the Great.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Our beloved country.
Indonesia the Great, independent and free,
Long live Indonesia the Great!
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